Doppelbock Ingredient Kit


German Style Doppelbock

Makes 5 gallons

6.6 lbs Light Unhopped Malt Syrup
3 lbs Light Dry Malt Powder
1 lb Extra Special 120L Malt
½ lb Victory Malt
1½ oz. Hallertauer Hops (boil 60 min)
1 tsp Irish Moss (boil 45 min)
¾ cup corn sugar for bottling
Imperial Harvest

original gravity 1.076
final gravity 1.020
alcohol content 7.0%

Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don’t fret the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, then bring water to a boil. When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add 1 cup malt syrup. Return to a boil, then add boiling hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add Irish moss for last 45 minutes of boil. Then add remainder of malt syrup and dry malt extract and stir to mix, wait 10 minutes to sanitize. Fill your sanitized carboy with 2 gallons of cold water. Strain the hot wort into the carboy and top off to the 5 gallon mark. Add yeast when beer is less than 78°, and ferment at 52° for 2 weeks, raise temperature to 68° for 48 hours, and lager at 33° for 3 weeks before bottling as ususal.