Mittens, A Winter Warmer - Extract


Mittens, A Winter Warmer - Extract Version

Makes 5 gallons

Malts & Extracts:
0.50 tsp. (2.5 grams) Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate)
0.50 tsp. (2.5 grams) Calcium Chloride
2.00 lbs. Munich Malt 10L
1.00 lbs. Special Aromatic Malt 5L
0.30 lbs. Pale Chocolate Malt 200L
3.3   lbs. Munich Liquid Malt Extract (LME)
3.3   lbs. Pilsen Light Malt Extract (LME)
1.00 lbs. Light Dry Malt Extract (DME)

0.50 oz. Centennial Hops (boil 60 minutes)
0.50 oz. Chinook Hops (boil 60 minutes)
0.50 oz. Centennial Hops (boil 30 minutes)
0.50 oz. Chinook Hops (boil 30 minutes)
1.00 ea. Carrageenan Tablet - Kick, Whirlfloc, or 1 tsp. Irish Moss (boil 15 minutes)
1.00 oz. Cascade Hops (boil 5 minutes)
1.00 oz. Centennial Hops (boil 5 minutes)
1.00 oz. Cascade Hops (Dry Hop 4 days)
1.00 oz. Chinook Hops (Dry Hop 4 days)

Imperial A01 House (62°-70°F) -or- Safale S-04 (65°-78°F)

Step by step:
Steep crushed malted grain in 3-4 gallons of 155° water, with Gypsum and Chloride added, for 30 minutes.  Strain out grain, then bring wort to a boil.  When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and slowly add 1 cup of the liquid malt extract, stirring to dissolve.  Add 0.5 oz each of Centennial and Chinook hops and boil for 60 minutes. With 30 minutes left add 0.5 oz each of Centennial and Chinook hops.  With 15 minutes remaining add 1 tablet Whirlfloc. With 5 minutes remaining add 1 oz. each of Cascade and Centennial hops.

At the end of the boil, cool hot wort, strain out the hops, and add into a fermenter. Add yeast when the temperature of your beer is less than 80°, and begin fermenting at yeast’s recommended temperature. After 7 days add 1 oz each of Chinook, Cascade hops into the fermenter. Allow hops to sit for 4 days before bottling or kegging as desired.

OG: 1.064
FG: 1.014
ABV: 6.5%
IBUs: 68
SRM: 13