FestBier - All-Grain Version
(makes 5 gallons)
9.0 lbs. Canada Malting Euro-Pils
1.5 lbs. Vienna Malt
1.0 lbs. Munich 10°L Malt
.75 lbs. Acidulated Malt
.25 lbs. Melanoidin Malt
.40 oz. Magnum hops (boil 60 minutes)
.75 oz. Hallertauer Mittelfrueh hops (boil 30 minutes)
1 Tablet Carrageenan (Kick, Whirlfloc, or 1 tsp Irish Moss)
.75 oz. Hallertauer Mittelfrueh hops (boil 15 minutes)
Imperial L17 Harvest Yeast, Dry Yeast Alternative - Saflager S-23, Lalbreew Diamond Lager
(Ferment between 50-60°F or substitute for ale yeast)
Step by Step:
Mash this beer at 149° for 45-60 minutes. Raise temperature of mash to 165°, (called mash-out temperature) then run off 7 gallons of wort to begin your 60 minutes boil. When wort comes to a boil add .50 oz. Magnum hops and boil for 60 minutes. With 30 minutes remaining in the boil add .75 oz. Mittelfrueh hops. With 15 minutes remaining add 1 Carrageenan Tablet and .75 oz. Mittelfrueh hops. Cool your wort down to desired temperature, transfer to a sanitized fermenter, and pitch yeast. After 7 days check the specific gravity of your beer. When final gravity is reached bottle or keg as desired.
OG: 1.055
FG: 1.012
ABV: 5.7%
IBUs: 25
SRM: 6