1 Oz Centennial Hop Pellets Alpha 9.9% Beta 4.0


Centennial Hop Pellets


Centennial (once called CFJ90) is fast becoming one of the defining hops of the American Ale (APA & IPA) style. One of the "C" hops, along with Cascade, Chinook, and Columbus. Centennial imparts a pungent, citrus-like flavor and aroma. This particular "C" hop, however, is good when you are not looking to impart quite the floral aromas that you might find in Cascade.

Bitterness is between 9 to 12% AAU, making this a good dual purpose hop variety for either bittering or flavor/aroma additions.

If you're a fan of beers like Stone IPA or Bell's Two Hearted IPA - this is the hop for you my friend.


Typical Use : Bitterness/Flavor/Aroma

Origination : USA

Characteristics : Pungent, Floral, Citrus
Styles : American Pale Ale, American IPA

Similar Hops : Cascade, Chinook, Columbus