Loowit Brewing Company Shadow Shinobi IPA - Extract Version


Loowit Brewing Co. Shadow Shinobi IPA - Extract Version

Makes 5 gallons

Swift and silent, full of flavor. This skilled, shadowy master of IPAs will take you by surprise yet honorably leave your palate intact. Aggressive late hop additions tempered with a stealthy, fleeting bitterness make Shadow Shinobi IPA a formidable and respectable beer. 
Malts & Extracts:                                  
1.50 lbs. Munich Malt
0.75 lbs.  Rye Malt
6.6   lbs. Liquid Malt Syrup (Maris Otter or Briess)   
1.00 lbs. Light Dry Malt Extract

1.00 oz. Nugget hops (boil 60 minutes)
0.50 oz. Crystal hops (boil 20 minutes)
1.00 oz. Mt Hood hops (boil 20 minutes)
1 Tablet Carrageenan (Kick, Whirlfloc, or 1 tsp Irish Moss) 
1.00 oz. Cascade hops (boil 5 minutes)
1.50 oz. Crystal hops (dry hopping)

Imperial A07 Flagship (60°-72°F) - or - Lalbrew BRY-97 (59°-72°F)
Step by step:
Steep crushed malted grain in 2-3 gallons of 150°-160° water for 30 minutes. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, then bring water to a boil. When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and slowly add 1lb. of the DME a bit at a time, stirring to dissolve. Return to a boil, then add 1.00 oz. Nugget hops and boil for 60 minutes. With 20 minutes left in the boil, add 0.50 oz. Crystal hops and 1.00 oz. Mt Hood hops and boil for 5 minutes. With 15 minutes left in the boil, add 1 Carrageenan tablet. With 5 minutes left in the boil add 1.00 oz. Cascade hops.
At the end of the boil turn off the heat, add the 2 cans (6.6 lbs.) of the LME and stir until all malt is dissolved. Strain the hot wort into a fermenter filled with 2 gallons of cold water, top off to the 5.5 gallon mark. Add yeast when the temperature of your wort is less than 78°, and begin fermenting. After beer has fermented 4 days, add the 1.50 oz. Crystal hops for dry hopping. Allow the beer to finish fermenting, wait about 3 more days, and then bottle or keg your beer as desired.


OG: 1.065
FG: 1.011
ABV: 7.2%
IBUs: 75
SRM: 6