New England IPA - All Grain


New England IPA - All Grain Version

Makes 5 gallons

13.0   lbs. Maris Otter Malt
1.00   lbs. Golden Naked Oats
0.25  lbs. Crystal 20L Malt

2.5 oz. EL Dorado Hop Pellets (steep/whirlpool 5 minutes)
2.5 oz. Galaxy Hop Pellets (steep/whirlpool 5 minutes)
1.0 oz. Sultana Hop Pellets (steep/whirlpool 5 minutes)
1.0 oz. Idaho #7 Hop Hash (steep/whirlpool 5 minutes)
3.5 oz. Galaxy Hop Pellets (dry hop at full krausen)
1.5 oz. El Dorado Hop Pellets (dry hop at full krausen)

Imperial A38 Juice Yeast (64°-74°F) -or- Dry Yeast Alternative Lalbrew New England (64°-77°F)

Step by Step:
Mash at 150° for 45-60 minutes. Raise temperature of mash to 165°, (called mash-out temperature) then run off 6.0 gallons of wort to begin your boil and boil for 30 minutes. At the end of the boil turn off the heat, and add ALL the steep/whirlpool hops. Begin cooling immediately and try to get wort temp under 140° as quickly as possible. Cool your wort the rest of the way and transfer to your fermenter. Pitch the yeast when the temperature of the wort is less than 70° and begin fermenting. After 1-2 days krausen should be at its peak, this is the ideal time to dry hop. Let fermentation continue for about another 5 days and check your specific gravity. When final gravity is reached bottle or keg as desired.


OG    1.065
FG     1.012
ABV   6.9%
IBUs  30
SRM  7

Steep crushed malted grains in 3-4 gallons of 150° water for 30 minutes. Strain out grain , then bring wort to a boil.  When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and slowly add 1 cup of the LME, stirring to dissolve.  Boil for 60 minutes. With 1 minute left in the boil add all the remaining LME and DME, stirring to dissolve.

At the end of the boil turn off the heat and add ALL the steep/whirlpool hops.  Begin cooling immediately and try to get wort temp under 140F as quickly as possible.

Strain the wort into a fermenter filled with 2 gallons of cold water and top off to the 5.5 gallon mark.  Add yeast when the temperature of your beer is less than 70F and begin fermenting.  Add dry hops 18-36 hours later once the beer reaches full krausen.

After 7 days check the secific gravity of your beer.  WHen final gravity is reached, keg or baottle your beer as desired.  NEIPA is best when it's FRESH!