PBJ Sour Remix 6.5% abv
Your childhood, encapsulated in a glass! Creamy peanut butter and sweet jelly with a subtle tangy twist on the finish. It’s a taste that keeps you coming back for more.
ABV: 6.5%
***This beverage is not suitable for bottling***
4.00 lbs. Dextrose
2.00 lbs. PB2 (Powdered Peanut Butter)
36.0 ozs. Grape Juice Concentrate (12 oz. cans)
4.00 ozs. Peanut Butter Extract
1.00 pkg. Propper Seltzer Nutrient
12.0 ozs. Vodka
Omega Lutra Kveik (68°-95°) & Lallemand Sourvisiae (59°-72°)
Step by Step:
Mix 12.0 ozs. Vodka with 1.00 lbs. PB2 until a smooth peanut butter consistency (use more vodka if not peanut butter consistency), and store refrigerated.
Bring 1 gallon of water up to 180°F and add 4.00 lbs of Dextrose, stirring to dissolve, then bring to a boil. When boil starts slowly add in 1.00 lbs. PB2, stirring to incorporate, and boil for 10 minutes. At the end of the boil turn off the heat and add in Propper Seltzer nutrient. Cool mixture down to pitch temperature (70°F). While mixture is cooling add 12.0 ozs. Grape Juice Concentrate into a sanitized fermenter and then transfer the now cooled mixture to fermenter. Top up to the 5.25 gallon mark with water. Pitch both yeasts and ferment at 70°F until fermentation is complete. When fermentation is complete add the PB2 & Vodka mixture to fermenter and let sit for another 3-5 days. 5 days later sanitize a keg and add 24.0 ozs. Grape Juice Concentrate and 4.00 ozs. Peanut Butter Extract, then transfer the contents of the fermenter to the keg, leaving behind as much sediment as possible. Refrigerate, carbonate, and enjoy.
You can add more grape juice concentrate or peanut butter extract to keg if you desire a stronger peanut butter and grape flavor.