Wort Chillers


Counterflow Wort Chiller


This copper counter flow chiller is a great way to chill beer. This unit is similar in efficiency to the a plate chiller, with the added benefit that it is easier to clean. Whereas a plate chiller has small crevasses to trap hop material, the counterflow chiller can be more effectively flushed out after use.

These units are 9" in diameter and about 7" high. The input and output are approximately 3/8" outside diameter (9.5 mm). These can be used with gravity, although a pump is recommended.

Price: $79.99

Immersion Wort Chiller - Stainless Steel (25 ft long)


This Stainless Steel wort chiller works great to cool 2 to 5 gallons of hot wort by simply placing the chiller in your boiling pot at the end of the boil to sanitize the chiller, then turn the heat off and run cold water through the inside of the chiller. It will cool 3 gallons of 212 degree water to about 80 degrees in about 10 minutes!

Price: $74.99

Immersion Wort Chiller (20 ft long)


This copper wort chiller works great to cool 2 to 5 gallons of hot wort by simply placing the chiller in your boiling pot at the end of the boil to sanitize the chiller, then turn the heat off and run cold water through the inside of the chiller. It will cool 3 gallons of 212 degree water to about 80 degrees in about 10 minutes!

Price: $99.99