Hop Pellets Domestic


1 oz Chinook Pellet Hops Alpha 12% to 14%


Chinook Hops


Chinook hops were developed in the early 1980s in Washington
state by the USDA as a variant of the Goldings Hop.
Typically used for bittering (12 to 14% AAU), Chinook imparts
a rich, pronounced aroma with a citrus component. If employed later in
boil, Chinook imparts a herbal, almost smoky aroma.


Typical Use : Primarily Bittering but can be used as aroma

Alpha Acid : 12 to 14% AAU

Origination : USA

Price: $2.99

1 Oz Tettnanger Hop Pellets Alpha Acid: 4.0-5.0%



A landrace variety originating from the Tettnang region on Lake Constance in Germany, Tettnang (or Tettnanger) is from the Saaz group. It displays fine, noble characteristics with a slight spiciness.

Aroma: Specific aroma descriptors include spicy, pepper and black tea.

Alpha Acid: 3 - 6%

Beta Acid: 3 - 5%

Total Oil: 0.5 - 0.9 mL/100g

Price: $2.69

1 Oz Willamette Hop Pellets Alpha Acid 4 to 6% AAU


Willamette Hops


Willamette hops (pronounced wil-AM-it) where first developed around 1976 as a hybrid of the UK Fuggle hop in Oregon and continues to be very widely-grown hop in the US.
Characteristics are much like the Fuggle variety, having vegetal, woody, or earthy aroma.
Willamette is typically used as an armoa addition (4. to 6% AAU) near the end of the boil.


Typical Use : Aroma

Alpha Acid : 4 to 6% AAU

Origination : USA

Characteristics : Vegetal, Woody, Earthy

Price: $2.99

1 Oz Fuggle Hop Pellets Alpha Acid 3.5 to 5.5% AAU


Fuggle Hops


Fuggle (or Fuggles, as some say) is a traditional, old-world style aroma hop originating in
the UK. According to the National Hop Association of England,
the culitvar was first grown in Kent in 1875 by Richard Fuggle.

This hop imarts a mild vegetal, woody, or earthy aroma. Alpha acids are low (3.5 to 5% AAU).
Fuggle is grown in the USA (Washington and Oregon) and imparts a bit less of the characteristic aroma when compared
to its English cousin.

Price: $2.79

1 Oz Crystal Hop Pellets Alpha 3.5%-5.5%


Crystal Hops


Crystal is a US hop variety with parentage going back to Hallertau. Like its parent, Crystal has a relatively low
alpha acid range (3.5 to 5.5%) and is best-used in the last part of the boil to impart flavor and aroma constituents.

Like Hallertau, Crystal is somewhat spicy, earthy and noble.
However, crystal is said to be much more pungent and, some say, harsh
than the related German relatives.


Typical Use : Aroma

Alpha Acid : 3.5 to 5.5% AAU

Price: $2.79

1 Oz Amarillo® Hop Pellets Alpha 8.2% Beta 6.0%


Amarillo Hop Pellets


Amarillo® is a relatively new American hop variety that has been described as "super cascade." The bitterness is between 5 and 11% AAU, making Amarillo® a good hop for flavor and aroma additions.
The flavor profile is very citrusy, especially leaning toward a distinct orange flavor and aroma. I also find Amarillo® to be somewhat sweet until it mellows out in a beer.
This hop was reportedly discovered and introduced by Virgil Gamache Farms Inc. and resulted as a mutation of another hop variety.


Price: $3.39

1 oz Columbus Pellet Hops Alpha Acid 14 to 16%


Columbus Hops


Columbus (also known as Tomahawk) is a relatively new hop variety patented in the USA by HopUnion Inc.
Being relatively high in alpha acid (14 to 16%), Columbus make a great bittering hop. In addition, unlike some of
the other high-alpha hops, Columbus provides a nice flavor profile as well, making it a wonderful all-around hop
and a good candidate for single-hopped pale ales and IPA.

Price: $2.29

2 Oz Galena Hop Pellets Alpha Acid 12 to 14% AAU


Galena Hops


Galena is a high-alpha (12 to 14% AAU) all purpose bittering hop.
This is a pungent, very bitter variety that can be used in a wide range of beer styles.

According to John Palmer's How To Brew
webpage, Galena is "the most widely used commercial bittering hop in the US."


Typical Use : Bittering

Alpha Acid : 12 to 14% AAU
Origination : USA

Characteristics : Clean, Pungent

Price: $5.39